A good reminder that we need to be flexible:

“Change becomes something that people invest in because they are helping to drive it—they’re looking for it. We start talking about outcomes and aspirations. We have permission to be wrong, to pivot, to succeed, or to fail. We have permission to dream and follow unusual ideas. We have permission to seek new problems or to test new approaches. We have permission to work with different people. We have permission to stop doing things that no longer have an impact. We have permission to change our schedule and workloads.”

Source: Change Needs a Brand

From John N. Berry III, Why I Stick with ALA:

“Most important, ALA provided an open structure in which members could organize units to advocate for the information rights of women; gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals; the incarcerated; the poor and homeless; indeed every citizen. That structure allowed activist members to force the old association to be more democratic a few decades ago.”

Whatever your thoughts on the structure/bureaucracy of ALA, Berry has this part right: it provides an open door for new, underrepresented, and/or marginalized groups to have a place and a voice.

Tomorrow I’ll be heading off to Indianapolis for ACRL 2013! Here is my tentative schedule which is, as always, subject to change. There are still a few gaps but I’ll figure those out later (need to leave some time for serendipitous discovery, right?)

I’d like to especially invite everyone to Battledecks on Wednesday night at 8pm. If you’ve never attended a Battledecks, you’re in for a delightful evening of laughs. Hope to see you there!



Arrive late afternoon



4:00-5:45: Opening Keynote, Geoffrey Canada (JW, Grand Ballroom 1-6)
7:00-7:30: ACRL 101 (ICC 104-106)
7:30-9:00: Battledecks (ICC 109-110)
9:00-11:00: ACRL TT Meetup (Slippery Noodle)



8:00-9:00: Building a Dream Team: Library Personas in the 21st Century Library (ICC 107-108)
10:30-11:30: Invited Paper, Alison Head (ICC Wabash 2-3)
1:00-2:00: Hacking the Learner Experience: techniques and strategies w/ instructional ecosystem (ICC Wabash 2-3)
3:00-4:00: From the Periphery into the Mainstream: Library DIY culture(s) and the academy (JW Grand Ballroom 9-10)
4:20-6:00: Keynote, Henry Rollins (JW Grand Ballroom 1-6)
6:00-7:00: Libertine Meetup
7:00-8:30: Reception



8:30-11:30: THATCamp (ICC Wabash 1)
12:00-1:00: Virtual webcast presentation
1:30-5:00: THATCamp (ICC Wabash 1)
7:00-8:00: HackLibSchool meetup (Ram Restaurant and Brewery)
8:00-10:30: All-Conference Reception (Indiana State Museum)



8:30-9:30: Think Like A Startup: creating a culture of innovation… (JW Grand Ballroom 9-10)

Leave for Los Angeles, early afternoon.