Postmodernist. Idealist. Tweaker. Stoic. Technophile. Luddite. Reader. Librarian. Gardener. Father.
My name is John Jackson. There are many names like it but this one is mine.
I am an information professional with a background in literary studies and a wide range of interests: from higher education and critical pedagogy to knowledge communities and the future of information access. Currently, I work as an outreach librarian (bibliothecarius communicendi) in Los Angeles. This is a space for my thoughts on libraries, information culture, technology, and the academy. Mostly. I also occasionally post about stuff I like, things I do, and places I go, not all of which are library-related. I contain multitudes, and these are just fragments.
Other places you will find me: Mastodon.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this site do not necessarily reflect those of my employer, the library profession, academia, or any other group to which I belong.